Resources for Pet Owners
At the Vet Vision Center, we understand that healing your pet's eyes is only partly our job - as the pet owner, you are the primary caregiver and a crucial member of your pet's medical team. We hope the resources below will help you achieve this, but please call us at the office if you need additional guidance!
Giving Eye Meds to Your Pet
Position your pet so they are facing away from you with their rear against your stomach or legs. This will prevent your pet from being able to back away.
Using your non-dominant hand, gently grasp your pet’s chin and lift it upwards towards the ceiling so their eye becomes more parallel to the ground.
Using your dominant hand, hold the dropper bottle and use 2 of your fingers to gently open your pet’s eye
Be careful not to contaminate the tip of the bottle with your hand or the fur around your pet’s eye
Gently squeeze the bottle so that one drop falls onto your pet’s eye.
The drop should land on the surface of the eyeball itself, between the upper and lower eyelids.
If the drop lands on the eyelid fur or you aren’t sure, simply administer another drop.
Ointments should be applied to the underside of the upper eyelid, followed by manual blinking to spread out the ointment across your pet’s eye.
Be sure to give lots of praise to your pet (clapping hands, verbal praise) and a reward if possible (favorite treat/food)!

Still Having Trouble?
Here are more tips!
Eye medications should be administered in a location that is outside of your pet’s comfort-zone (do not medicate your pet while on the couch, in its bed, or on the floor)
We suggest placing them on a table or counter top to allow for more ease of handling.
If your pet is biting, please invest in a muzzle. We prefer the soft, fabric muzzles over the cage-style.
Desensitize your pet by spending some time petting and touching the head and around the eyes while praising them before you attempt to give the medication.
If possible, have someone pet their body while the eye medications are being given to distract them.
Try wrapping your pet in a towel while leaving their head exposed – this can help with restraint.
Key Points to Remember:
Do NOT bribe/give a treat beforehand- only reward AFTER they accept medications.
Do NOT yell your pet’s name or “NO” if your pet is not cooperating - this can be mistaken by your pet for affirmation and will worsen the situation. Remain calm and quiet and regain control.
DO praise your pet and give lots of treats once they settle and allow touching and medication administration.
Monitoring Your Pet's Eyes
Symptoms of an eye problem can vary from pet to pet, and also depends upon the condition itself. The following is a list of symptoms that can indicate an eye problem - contact the VVC if you are worried about your pet's eyes!
Squinting or holding the eye partially shut
Pawing or rubbing at the eye
Eye discharge or excessive tearing
Redness to the eye membranes
Color change to the eye surface (cloudy, red, brown)
Haze or cloudiness within the eye
Dilated pupils
Reduced vision or blindness